NSSA Tournament Scoring Program
The NSSA Tournament Scoring program can be downloaded here!
The current version: v8.3
Released on: April 19, 2024
Installation Instructions:
- Extract the contents of "NSSA_Showski_Scoring_Program_v8.3.zip" once it is downloaded to your hard drive
- To start the Scoring program go to the folder you extracted from the zip file
Double click 'NSSA_Showski_Scoring_Program.exe' to launch.
- Updates in this Version
- updated freestyle jump Scoring.
- updated the freestyle jump trick list to the latest difficulties.
- Fixed an issue when changing specialty award act #'s didn't update the results.
Scoring a Tournament
Getting Started
- Read the opening Screen. It explains some of the common buttons that are used through-out the scoring program!
- Click the OK button when finished
- Click the help
- This screen explains all of the buttons found on the main screen!
- Click Return to Main Menu button when finished
- There is a help
button on every page. Use the help screens to familiarize yourself with a screen the first time you visit it.
Brief instructions on scoring a tournament
- Click Tournament information button
- Enter Tournament Name
- Enter Tournament Dates
- Enter Scorer Name
- Enter Names of Special Acts, e.g.: Ballet, Jump, Barefoot, Pyramid
- Click Judge Information button
- Click on
to create a judge
- Enter the Judges Initials
- Enter the Judges Name
- Repeat for each Judge in the tournament
- Click Done to return to the Enter Tournament Information page
- Setup Divisions
- Enter Division Name, e.g.: I, II, II, A, B, C
- Enter Number of Judges (Click the box & select from menu)
- Select the Judges for this Division
- Select the first Judge (Click the box & select from menu)
- Continue selecting for each judge in the Division
- If there is more than 1 division Click on
to create a new division
- Repeat the steps above for this division
- Click Menu to return to the main menu
- Click Team Information & Forms
- Click on
to create a team
- Enter Team number if desired
- Enter Team Name
- Select Division Team is competing in (even if there is only 1 division)
- Change Number of acts if different from 14
- Enter Name of each act (continuous acts are only entered once, usually at the place they are to be scored)
- Selecty act type for each act from popup menu.
- Select Act numbers that correspond to each special act (Click on the boxes& select act number from menu)
- Click Done to return to the List of Teams page
- Repeat for each team in the tournament
- Enter Judges Forms for a Team (Click on JF box)
- Click on
to create a Judges Form
- Select which Judge the form belongs to (Click on box & select frommenu)
- Enter scores from paper Judges Form
- Click Done to return to the Judges Forms For page
- Repeat for each Judges Form remaining to be entered for this team
- Enter any penalties for this team in the Penalty field, located right of the team name.
A reason for the penalty can be entered on the team information page.
Click on
to reach this page.
- Click on
to print all forms for this team
- Repeat for each team in the tournament
- Click Menu to return to the main menu
- If you wish to display the results on screen
- Click View Team Results - Overall to display the overall tournament results
- Click View Team Results - Divisions to display the results for each division
- Click Print Team Results for the Print Tournament Results page
- Click Print Entire Tournament Results to print overall tournament results and results for each division
- Click Print Overall Tournament Results to print only the overall tournament results, division results are not printed
- Click Print Division X Results to print results for division X.
Repeat for each division you want to print.
A status message indicates which divisions have been printed.
- If you wish to save tournament results as HTML
- Click Save Tournament Results as HTML
- Click Save HTML for Overall Tournament results to save the Overall Tournament Results as HTML
- Enter the file name to save the HTML to
- Click Save HTML for Division # to save the results of this division as HTML
- Enter the file name to save the HTML to
- repeat the above 2 steps for each division
Scoring Individual Events
Click Individual Events button for the Individual Events menu page
- Click Tournament Information button
- Enter Tournament Name
- Enter Tournament Dates
- Enter Scorer Name
- Click Judge Information button
- Click on
to create a judge
- Enter the Judges Initials
- Enter the Judges Name
- Repeat for each Judge in the tournament
- Click Done to return to the Enter Tournament Information for Individualspage
- Setup Individual Divisions
- Enter Division Name, e.g.: 180 Swivel, 360 Swivel, Open Swivel, I, II, III
- Enter Number of Judges (Click the box & select from menu)
- Select the Judges for this Division
- Select the first Judge (Click the box & select from menu)
- Continue selecting for each judge in the Division
- If there is more than 1 division Click on
to create a new division
- Repeat the steps above for this division
- Click Done to return to the individual events menu
- Click Enter Competitors
- Click on
-or- type ctrl-1 to create an individual competitor
- Select Division for this competitor
- Select the Event for this competitor
- Enter this competitors skiing position, (order)
- Enter the competitors name(s)
- Repeat the steps above for each individual competitor in the tournament
- Click Done to return to the Individual Events Menu page
- Select the division to score from the popup list of individual divisions
- Click Score Strap Doubles to enter scores for the Strap Doubles competitors in this division.
If there are no competitors entered in this division a warning will be displayed.
- Enter technical scores given by the judges for a competitor
- Enter artistic scores given by the judges for a competitor
- Repeat for each strap doubles competitor in this division
- Click Score Swivel to enter scores for the Swivel competitors in this division.
If there are no competitors entered in this division a warning will be displayed.
- Enter technical scores given by the judges for a competitor
- Enter artistic scores given by the judges for a competitor
- Repeat for each swivel competitor in this division
- Click Score Team Jump to enter scores for the Team Jump competitors in this division.
If there are no competitors entered in this division a warning will be displayed.
- Enter flow scores given by the judges for a competitor
- Enter execution scores given by the judges for a competitor
- Enter difficulty scores given by the judges for a competitor
- Enter spectator appeal scores given by the judges for a competitor
- Repeat for each team jump competitor in this division
- Repeat the above steps for each division
- Click Print Strap Doubles to print results for all strap doubles divisions
- Click Print Swivel to print results for all swivel divisions
- Click Print Team Jump to print results for all team jump divisions
Preparing Tournament Results For Return to NSSA
You must create the zip file to send to USAWS.
Goto Start Menu:Programs:NSSA Show Ski Tournament Scoring System
Select "Create Tournament Zip"
Press the Enter key
Close the window, Creation of the zip file is now complete.
Using Windows Explorer Copy C:\tournament.zip to a floppy disk.
Revision History
- V1.3 - First Public Release!
- V1.4 - Fixed bug where tournament results were not being updated properly for onscreen display. Also corrected some fonts.
- V1.5 - Fixed a calculation error for the act 2 total score, visible on the scorers form.
- V1.6 - Fixed a page break problem on the Scorers Form, it is now 1 page.
- Corrected size of box score totals on Scorers Form to correctly display 4 digit totals.
- Removed Judge Information button from main screen, judge information is accessed from the Tournament Information screen.
- Grouped buttons on main screen that are only for on-screen display of tournament results.
- Moved Print Tournament Results Button from bottom of screen to below Team Information button.
- Added the Penalty field to the List of Teams page, penalties can be entered there as well as on the Scorer Form. Entering the penalty on the List of Teams page is quicker as you do not have to wait for the Scorer Form to be displayed.
- Updated instructions on scoring a tournament (see above).
- V1.7 - Corrected progress dialog that is displayed when calculating scores.
- Stopped 'Team Act Form' from printing when a teams forms are printed from the list of teams page.
- Added Step 1, 2, 3... labels to Main menu and to Tournament Information screen.
- Corrected print anomolies on "Overall Tournament Results" form.
- Added an Announcer Information sheet to the pages printed with the tournament results.
- Added the ability to save tournament results as HTML - V1.8 - Corrected print anomoly on "Announcer Information Sheet".
- The scores for a team are now calculated when the teams forms are printed.
- Added Logic to automatically recalculate a teams scores if team information or score sheets are changed after the teams scores have been calculated.
- These changes should make obtaining tournament results quicker.
- V1.9 - Corrected print error on "Announcer Information Sheet".
- V2.0 - This is the first official NSSA approved release.
- updated the help screens throughout the program.
- V3.0 - New for 2001.
- Added section for scoring individual events.
- Results for each division can be printed before the tournament is over.
- Enhanced data entry error detection.
- V3.1 - New for 2002.
- Added ability to enter a penalty for a competitor in the indivudual events.
- Minor formatting changes.
- V4.0 - New for 2003.
-Requires Windows 98 or better. Windows 95 is no longer supported!
-updated for 2003 scoring changes.
-added ability to generate graphs, this is a restricted access feature.
-updated to current version of Filemaker runtime engine.
- V4.1 - New for 2004.
-updated graphing capability.
-added more automated zip file creation to return results to USAWS.
Mark Bortz